Musha> Products> Mita inoyerera> Turbine fletter> Turbine inoyerera metres yekuyera kwemvura
Turbine inoyerera metres yekuyera kwemvura
Turbine inoyerera metres yekuyera kwemvura
Turbine inoyerera metres yekuyera kwemvura
Turbine inoyerera metres yekuyera kwemvura
Turbine inoyerera metres yekuyera kwemvura
Turbine inoyerera metres yekuyera kwemvura
Turbine inoyerera metres yekuyera kwemvura

Turbine inoyerera metres yekuyera kwemvura

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Chigadzirwa Unhu

MutengoBai chuang

Kavha & Dhirivhari
Kutengesa Units : Set/Sets
Turbine fletter
Product Description

Mibvunzo Inowanzo Bvunzwa:

Serial Number
Problem phenomenon
no traffic
1. Determine the turbine sensor wiring
2. If possible, replace the turbine sensor to confirm whether it is a converter problem or a turbine sensor problem.
3.There is no problem with the above two items, please contact the manufacturer for after-sales service

Does not turn on/screen does not display
1. Check whether the power connection (battery, or 24V) is correct
2. Check whether the power supply (battery, or 24V) is normal, whether the battery power is sufficient, and whether there is any abnormality in the 24V power supply voltage.
3.There is no problem with the above two items, please contact the manufacturer for after-sales service

Yakarongedzwa Kubatanidza chimiro:

Threaded Connection Structure

Flange yekubatanidza mamiriro:

Flange Connection Structure

Turbine inoyerera mita pipeline yekugadzirisa dhizaini:

Turbine Flow Meter Pipeline Configuration Diagram

Turbine FlowmeterTurbine FlowmeterTurbine FlowmeterTurbine FlowmeterTurbine FlowmeterTurbine Flowmeter

Musha> Products> Mita inoyerera> Turbine fletter> Turbine inoyerera metres yekuyera kwemvura
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